An online diploma mill masquerading as a school. They started as small non-accredited college selling degrees through the mail and have since graduating to sending people spam messages about their graduate programs. Everyone who applies will be accepted as they don’t require a GRE, SAT, or a pulse. If you can pay, you can get yourself a Walden education.

Their professors are all part-time employees who are usually employed at other colleges at teach at Walden for the extra money. All of their classes are canned and don’t really require any real learning. Just write papers and do the minimum and you’ll have a worthless degree in no time at all.

The people who run the small office in Minneapolis, MN change regularly and are usually unhappy with their lives. The school goes through deans and heads of departments so quickly that even the staff jokes about it.

This is the college for anyone who wants to brag about having a degree while they’re restocking the shelves at Target.
I worked at Walden University for two years, finished my online MBA with them, and still can’t get a job anywhere else. F*ck Walden University.
by Wasted MyMoney March 13, 2008
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The act of leaving the electric world and city and retreating to the country to obtain spiritual enlightenment or just to reflect for a while. Derived from the unexplicably LONG classic by Henry David Thoreau,
I swear if one more person asks me about TPS reports I AM GOIN' WALDEN.
by Andyman1016 December 3, 2005
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Camp walden is the greatest place on earth, it is a place where memories are made and friendships are made to last forever. Someone who goes to walden is known as a "waldener" There is no better way to spend your summer than at camp walden. During the year people miss is a lot and you wish you could go back so soon.
"Why are you crying?" "I miss camp walden."
I wish I could live a camp walden forever.
by Slewisforever February 17, 2010
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Dayton Walden is a very sexy man with a huge penis. He has lost his virginity 4,000 times over. And he is a billionaire who has lots of cars and mansions.
Wow Dayton Walden is a very sexy man with a huge penis. He has lost his virginity 4,000 times over. And he is a billionaire who has lots of cars and mansions.

that guy is a real ‘Dayton’
by Cameron_Kelly December 4, 2020
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A beautiful amazing person always the best is clearly very hot the smartest master everyone bows down to Madison walden
by Chucknorris9586 July 5, 2021
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The best place on Earth. Boys and girls create bonds that will last forever. Tribals, Color war, and silent disco are the most fun activities. Stewarts is the best place on earth and Echo Lake is trash. People love canteen. We don't speak of Dan Dan anymore.
Friend- Why are you so sad?
Me- Because I miss Camp Walden.
by potatotoez October 30, 2019
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Utopian novel. Walden Two by B.F. Skinner, psychology professor at the famous Harvard University, father of behavioral psychology, the method of behavioral reinforcement and programmed learning, is a comprehensive summary of Skinner's research on the possibilities of human coexistence.
B. F. Skinner was the most prominent representative of behaviorism in the united states, operant conditioning coined the term, invented the so-called programmed learning and wrote the highly regarded worldwide utopian novel Walden Two.
by WhatsNewPussyCat August 23, 2014
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