Referring to a girl, that while not a knock-out, is someone you would easily sleep with.
Guy 1: That girl ain't that hot.
Guy 2: Yeah, but I wouldn't throw her out of bed for eating cookies.
by ianamalsu August 22, 2007
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It means to take the hint/ go for it

It is also a rad sex move involving hammocks, duct tape and whip cream
Dude you should really just throw her the frisbee

Just give her a wink and toss her the frisbee
by Gtfoofmyface September 7, 2015
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An expression used when someone says or does something entirely stupid. The expression is related to someone having unprotected sex at a young age and getting knocked-up. Yeah, probably one of the stupidest things you could do. Getting knocked-up leads to babies, and so when someone says/does something really dumb, throw a baby at their face because if they want to do something that stupid, they'll probably end up doing even more stupid things like... oh, getting themselves pregnant. Just, don't really throw a baby at their face, it might harm the infant.

The "her" can be interchangeable to "his" or "their"
Girl 1: Nazis are Jews.
Girl 2: ... You're kidding me.
Girl 1: Aren't Nazis Jews?!
Girl 3: Just throw a baby at her face.
by a living spoon March 21, 2010
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Code word for “fix it” *must be pronounced with canadian accent
Jack: Got any plans with the truck this weekend bud?

Paul: Oh ya know bud just gonna throw a hammer at her so i can take her out rompin next weekend. huh bud?
by Dripdroptiptopsnipsnopkipkop October 17, 2019
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He/she is a suspected or proven snitch. "Throw some water on him/her" refers to the snitch wearing a wire and the water ruining the device .

A way of warning that a person is a snitch
Throw some water on him/her is used as-
Throw some water on chad. He's been talking to the boss alot recently and I'm pretty sure he got tyler fired
by crzymnjohn October 7, 2020
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A phrase used to justify the throwing of short people during Throw short people month.
Person1: Wait, you can't just throw her, it's disrespectful
Person2: Yes you can, it's Throw short people month
Person 3: Yeah, That's how this works, you can throw him/her
by rammicam October 3, 2022
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