1.) A stand-in all-purpose term for BORING DETAILS in a story.

2.) A (mumbled) substitution for some bit of information as a DODGE or a FAKE-OUT or as if the proper answer were too burdensome to speak. Used to avoid answering; or, as in "WHATYAMACALLIT" or "WHOSIT".

3.) An all-purpose REPLACEMENT for any WORD or NAME or such that is tacitly understood by those communicating. It is used to avoid actually having to say the "thing" that might not be cool for others to hear or know about i.e., in telephone conversations of a sensitive nature, in uncomfortably crowded places like elevator or subway.

4.) Similar to Hawaiian slang: "DA KINE" meaning practically anything for (lazy) convenience and loaded implicitly by context.
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1.) "Well, ... first we registered and paid admission ... BLAH BLAH ... And then the band came out just as we hit our seats. Shiz! It was the awesome almighty."

2.) HOMEY: DJ D'lish, who dat ho in d'caw wif you lass night?
DJ D'LISH: Aohh, that was just *(sometimes mumbled)* BLAH BLAH's sister, Homey. Ain't nuffin' to it, son.

3.) "So remember the plan, dog. Wait for BLAH BLAH to do his thing. 'Ite?"

4.) "Bra' man, ya got a lead on some BLAH BLAH? Yo, Cuz, I am bone-dry!
by Bongo Cholomongo September 20, 2006
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To describe sex when talking to someone.
So Dan and I went out last night, we went back to his place, and then blah, blah, blah.
by NomadScarlett April 18, 2011
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A way to tell a story. With-out going, into specific details.
by light bearer666 August 16, 2009
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A phrase used in many situations, usually to make fun of someone who is talking incessantly about something you don't really care about. Can also be used to mock someone for whining or asking a dumb question if said in a high voice.
Jill: Jack, come with me to fetch the pail of water. I might fall!
Jack: Blah blah??
by limabean September 11, 2005
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To get dome, oral sex, head, flying to boston, etc.
Aye I'm trying to get on that blah blah tip tonight son
by AVBomber April 24, 2011
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What the teacher says to you in class most of the time.
Teacher: OK class to say we are blah blah blah blah blah math blah blah blah pencils blah blah blah you have 15 minuets!
by TheDictionaryGurl November 4, 2016
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Talking incessantly on and on, with no point.
So, he started telling me why he had no money left because last weekend was his birthday or something, and he spent it all getting home you know, like blah bitty blah blah blah.
by dnice92 September 1, 2008
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