1 Adj. Something that is very good, or very high Quality
2 s-a. An expression yelled or shouted when one experiences a pleasant surprise
1. "that was legendary"
2. Family Member: "we just won the lottery"
by Joey Fitzy December 29, 2005
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The short form of Legen-wait-for-it-dary.
Guy1 : Wow, that was awesome!
Barney : That was legen... wait for it... dary!!!
Guy2 : Legendary indeed!
by RMJ` June 26, 2012
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Legendary was something that occurred today. It was 2020 (four digits) and included a 20 in the year. That’s 420. It was also April the 20th which was the 20th day of the 4th month. 4:20 again. At 04:20, 14:20, 16:20 and 00:20 (technically of the next day) there was 4 20’s from 4:20. When the time was 420, it was once exactly 4 seconds and 20 millisecond in. That would be 4 sets of 4 seconds and 20 milliseconds in which is 20 characters. If somebody was smoking pot at that exact time, it would be a whole lot of it and legendary!
by CarlMangerson April 21, 2020
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If you look up legendary in the dictionary, you will see a picture of Barney Stinson's face.
by bhwebworld January 10, 2015
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An expresion of excitement/something going right/finding something you lost
*Finds lipgloss that was lost three weeks ago* "Legendary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
by _slinky_minx_ October 18, 2005
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The 2011 SRC is legendary and therefore flogged the inferior 2012 SRC try hards.
by god 1001 October 13, 2011
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