TMP is teh l33t 3char :P
by 248 March 29, 2003
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T olu's
M assive
P enis

The part of Tolu that comes out and makes her a big bitch who never shuts up.

**origin of Mike and Shane
When Tolu acts like a stuck up bitch and never shuts up her TMP is showing.
by chryan kozagee November 29, 2004
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Mike: hey shane look its tmp
Shane: wats a tmp?
Isiash: I love TMP
Mike: Dammit R. kelly
Shane: OOO tolu man penis
Tolu: not funny guys
everyone HAHAHAHAH
by chryan kozagee November 29, 2004
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An automatic firearm originally made in Austria (TMP meaning tactical machine pistol)
The Steyr TMP may not be the ideal zombie dispatcher and is certainly not an ammo saver, but it has its advantages in combining the strength of a SAW and the flexibility of a pistol.
by Cprl Joker February 6, 2009
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A Text Message Phone shockwave. It occurs when someone sends you a text message and you receive it over and over and over even though they only sent in once. And yes, you will get charged for each one of them.
Dude, Mike's phone has tmp shockwave'd my blackberry into submission.
by BaaaBaaaBlackSheep May 15, 2009
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Too Many Pages; Didn't read

Acronym used by a person when they are lazy or find it annoying to read an entire article, forum thread, or web page formatted in multiple pages.
Jane: Did you check out that link to that article I sent you?
John: tmp;dr
John: I wish they just put it in one page instead of stretching it a paragraph per page.
by ni0s September 4, 2008
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Having T.oo M.uch P.r0n on your computer making it run slower than normal.
Yo dude your computer is soo fucking slow. You got the tmp virus?
by Da Guy 5 April 17, 2012
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