1. False, Faux, Not true. ~ "That statement is Sph" (agg)

2. Sarcastic, Crass, Deliberately missinformative
"I love going to the movies" - Sph(ed) Jenny
by Hal January 27, 2004
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Science Park High School
Located in Newark, NJ, 07105. U.S.A
In the world.
Guy 1: Yo I heard that chick goes to sphs.
Guy 2: Huh?
Guy 1: Science Park High you douche.
by Chistle January 5, 2008
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Score Pointing Honours

Someone who is good at kissing ass, while being smart with an 80 % average.
Person 1: What did you get on the math test?

Person 2: 80%

Person 1: SPH!!!
by S.S. - V.S. April 9, 2011
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