a place I never wish to see again. Vapers galore, with the occasional pregnant 7th grader. sometimes the principal loses her pants in a dunk booth. worst sports teams I’ve ever seen, overall would not recommend going here 1/10 stars
by marie_m June 17, 2024
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Dolphin shoals helps ur health, smartness, and activity. I have studied this for years. I made some guests do an algebra problem, an then made them run a mile. Then I did the same thing but with dolphin shoals. When I played dolphin shoals the guests seemed quicker and smarter. Dolphin shoals helps with a lot of things and everyday problems. Lost your backpack? Dolphin shoals. Lost your mind? Dolphin shoals. So people, try to listen to dolphin shoals at least 5 times a day. But if you have a lot of time then listen 50 times a day.
Guy: I lost my mind.
Me: Listen to Dolphin Shoals.
by justsomerandomcrap13 August 14, 2017
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Noun. The yellow stain on the underside of a toilet seat.
Get a brush and some cleaner and scrub out that golden shoal.

I would rather lick the golden shoal than go out to dinner with you.
by RushinBot294 January 2, 2020
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Shoal is a wonderful guy, he is incredibly sweet and kind. He’s a little shy when you first meet him but once he gets to know you the more and more he gets comfortable. He shows you his nerdy cute side, the more and more you get to know him. He gets a long with everyone but is quiet when he meets them at first. He is very smart and always says the smartest things out of no where. You take a moment to understand but the more he explains the more you learn. The more and more you talk with him the more you learn about things you didn’t even know in the first place. He has the darkest of eyes and the beautiful brown hair, it shines in the sun so bright. You can get lost in those dark brown eyes. The way his face is so perfect, just staring at it makes you drool. He has the sharpest of jawline and the perfect nose. His eyes are big and gorgeous, the definition of shoal would be the perfect person in existence. His loving personality will make you feel so safe and loved, you would feel a warm feeling in your chest and your face grow hot and warm. You would feel so happy and just so loved and wanted. He’s honestly the most amazing and precious person in this planet. He deserves the world.
Shoal is so amazing and kind
by Hobgobling October 11, 2022
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