When you get in trouble for saying something racist
"I hearf your building a wall" teacher:"Henry! Dont say that! Detention now!" I guessed I pulled a trump
by Nik3.St4R August 24, 2017
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To build a wall to keep someone else out, whilst making them pay for it.
-"Ya' know, Donald is gonna Pull A Trump on them Mexicans, he might even build a wall around New Mexico"
--"Why would he do that?"
-"He doesn't want NEW Mexicans"
by Frisky Butts July 30, 2017
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to be a hypocrite; or, to be a two-faced piece of shit
OMG! Don't pull a donald trump on me.
by bluegoddess March 16, 2016
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To make an egregiously untrue statement about oneself as though it were fact.
Person A: I have a 75 inch cock.
Person B: I fart actual gold.
Person C: “I wake up at 4:30 in the morning every single morning. I say the Pledge of Allegiance’ to my 5 year old and my 3 year old. Then I say the Lord’s Prayer, then I say 2 other family prayers. That’s how I live a clean, positive life.”

Person D: "All 3 of y'all are pulling an Eric Trump. But especially you, Person C."
by UhDoubleUpUhUh December 12, 2022
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To automatically judge anything without even knowing the person or thing
I don't like pie ( response) don't pull a trump
by Bloudybaron January 11, 2017
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To claim you are a winner, when in reality you are not.
They lost the football game, but then they pull-a-trump and claim they won.

I'm just going to pull-a-trump and say that I won.
by July 14, 2022
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The most modern way to saylose really bad”.
“Hey did you see the 49ers game? They really did pull a Trump against the Packers”.
by Loserboy2020 November 8, 2020
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