A group of people who are obsessed with harry potter movies/books. honestly the best group in the world.
Summer: I just watched all the harry potter movies again.
Dekotah: You're such a Potterhead.
by summerxlloyd April 12, 2019
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“Hey have you seen the Potterheads?”

Yeah they are the best.”

Potterheads are the best
by wctsnz May 7, 2021
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A person who adores Harry Potter. Ask them anything about it and they will go into a rant explaining everything from that chapter.
person 1: "Hey remember that time harry fell off his broom?"
Potterhead: *Smile* Heck ya I do!"
person 2: *whispers* "what have you done!"
by Captian Cutie November 30, 2016
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Someone who is way too wrapped up in those Harry Potter books, movies, and games.

Your friend might be a potterhead for any of the following reasons...
1. They wait in line 5 days before the new movie comes out.

2. They wait even moreso in line to get the book.

3. They OWN everybook...

4. They went to the theatre more than twice to see it.

5. They bought and watched it more than twice in the same day...

6. They can define or identify any of the following.
a. Quidditch
b. A Snitch
c. They know the name of He-Who-Shall-not be named.
d. Allohamora
e. Wingardium leviosa
f. Snape...

Other symptoms might include,
dizzyness, vomiting, red eyes, dresses like a dork, says anyone with long hair and glasses looks like Harry Potter...
That kid is such a bliff'n potterhead
by kewler-than-u April 15, 2005
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The act of being a potterhead or being in love with jk Rowling
The act of being a Harry Potterheads War
by BennyBoy09 November 18, 2021
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for all the potterheads who want this on a mug.
I really want the i’m a potterhead. mug!
by jackypp May 15, 2022
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Person 1: Did you read Harry Potter?
Person 2: Yes, 6 times
Person 1:Wow, you're such a potterhead!
by November 21, 2016
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