One of the most ANNOYING type of girls i've ever known. They basically try to embarrass other girls in front of guys, they would most likey do ANYTHING for attention. Also act different aroud guys to "prove" they're different than the others, mostly by talking about how she can play every sport, loves skating, etc.
Example 1:
-Pick me girl & friend chatting while some guys walk towards them-
Pick me girl: Starts acting different and pushes friend

-Looks over to guys for approval-
Friend: Ow wtf!
Pick me girl: Oh haha! Sorry i guess im just strong!

Example 2

-Friend falls-
Pick me girl: -would normally help her but she saw some guys from her class sitting on a bench close to them- HHAHAHAAHAH *friends name* DID YOU JUST REALLY FELL OVER THAT LITTLE ROCK? LMAO.

(sorry if its bad spelling)
by efootje September 7, 2021
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a girl that acts thick they "aren't like other girls" and say they are "different" they always say how much they hate girls and how they are dramatic or what not. NO ONE likes them

pick me girl: omg all boys go for the basic girls im different and skate!
*boys talking about how dramatic girls are*
pick me girl: omg yea IKR they are so dramatic right hahahhaha so annoying for them to overreact right haha
by juan_the_meme November 17, 2020
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A girl who acts different around boys than they do girls, and they have a lot of "guy friends" and act like girls are always trying "too hard" for guys/school and you typically find these girls in grade/middle/high school. They say "quirky" when describing themselves.
"Omg! I am so short! I'm only 5,4! don't laugh at meee!""Um.. i dont wear that much makeup! haha i only wear chapstick and mascara i am just not like the other girls hah..." pick me girl
by randomuser231 December 3, 2021
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pick me girls, the ones that think every guy is obsessed with them and think they care about her feelings, say will say the stupidest things and act “corky” for any guy to like them.
a pick me girl would say “omg i’m so tiny compared to you” or “omg face time my tonight i know you miss me
by $wagM0ney6996 June 25, 2021
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A girl who goes out of their way to do things for the attention of guys.

The two extremes would be the whole “uwu cutesy girl who can’t do anything on her own and needs a man to save her.” and the “not-like-other-girls girl who acts like a cunt to other women to try and get validation from misogynistic guys.”

Pick me girls are only liked by a select group of people. Nobody likes them. It’s pretty clear that they are putting up an act for attention because any girl who actually for example plays video games or likes the colour pink doesn’t act like this.

(e.g. girls who claim that they are gamers despite having never picked up a controller other than a Wii remote. Usually found on TikTok. See gamer girl fraud)
“Jessica is calling herself a bruh girl and cancelled on our plans because she said she’s “hanging with the boys””
“Don’t mind her, shes just a pick me girl.”
by Egg-mon December 27, 2021
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Its a tomboy. Thats it Twitter feminazis get big mad over it though
twitter:We gotta break gender roles and stereotypes


by July 31, 2021
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