An affliction that ails men entering middle age, usually evidenced by a swollen head that was not present in their teens or twenties. As best can be determined, SHS is caused by a lifetime of a diet high in animal fats and high sodium intake.
After watching William Shatner in "Star Trek" and John Travolta in "Welcome Back Kotter," then again seeing them both over twenty years later in "Boston Legal" and "Pulp Fiction," it was clear that both venerable actors suffered from Swollen Head Syndrome (SHS).
by ZonaCat Hansen July 11, 2008
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This occurs when your father, or another man, or woman with a dildo, or your mum with a dildo, entered your mothers vagina while she was pregnant with you which led to the impression of the penis/dildo being left in your soft skull. This then becomes a feature of your skull. It can be useful for storing food or as a flower vase.
'Look at that big whole in his head mummy'
'Don't stare, hes got cok in de head syndrome'
by manofmanysides December 15, 2005
A man or woman with a really nice body, but an ugly face. Therefore, they are only tolerable with a bag over their head.
"Lauren, what do you think about that guy over there?"
"Girl, he has an unbelievable body, but look at his face. He clearly has bag over head syndrome.
by laurenakruse August 20, 2010
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When you become so buff meat starts spreading to your brain and you don't know how to think anymore. You also starts drooling and sweating when ever you try to think, signs and symptoms would be saying the word dur consecutively and you begin having trouble forming proper sentences.
man after Wilson went to the gym he started developing big brother meat head syndrome
by Gym Teacher Mr. G September 7, 2018
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When a black human (Nigga) has a head that looks similar to the gluteus maximus muscle. This can be used on white or black people only. The syndrome is very common.
You have the biggest Nigga-Head Ass.
Fix your Nigga-Head Ass immediately it is too big.
Blue face you have Nigga-Head Ass syndrome.
by Henry HandNigga April 10, 2019
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An individual with Automatic Head Removal Syndrome (AHRS) will live a life of incessant and unending suffering of which any form of mercy is confiscated, and all hope is instantly overshadowed by uncontested despair. They are forced against their will to commit horrific acts that no one should see. In the event eye contact is made, the individual will become instantaneously incapacitated until the deed is done, that deed being the beheading of the viewer. The process is swift, but undoubtedly agonizing and traumatic. The individual may only watch from an empty shell as the murderous act is executed. Those suffering from AHRS may also have a stinky wiener hole.
Gay: Do you have automatic head removal syndrome?
ARHS: Please stand by while head is removed
by SevenCorn January 25, 2021
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