Nico is a super smart guy. He plays lots of sports—and is good at them too. Nico is really good at time management, and is typically very tall. He is shy when you first get to know him, but when he opens up he has such an outgoing personality. He might not know it, but Nico is a girl magnet.
Girl 1: “Oh my god is that Nico????”

Girl 2: “yeah! he’s so cute oml. Did you see him at the game last night? He scored the winning goal.”
by Willow_trees June 8, 2019
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Nico is the type of guy that you will never forget. When I met my Nico I felt like my world just froze, he’s absolutely breathtaking. He is insanely attractive, fit, smart. Talking to him is always a fun time. He is a cat person. And so hilarious. If you want your stomach to hurt from laughter then he’s your guy. You will never want to lose him because he’s a blessing. He’s perfect. Now, I can’t guarantee that every Nico is amazing as the one in my life but this one is one of a kind. Love you baby
Dude Nico is a stud.

Nico told Dennis his team is ass.
by francesca19 November 13, 2021
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Ultimate badass that is obnoxious, well-known, so loud that they cough blood, outgoing, over the top!
Stop screaming your being such a "Nico "
by RAWR-E January 15, 2009
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Nicos are far the best type of creatures in the world. Their skin color changes with the seasons, AND THEY HAVE THE MOST CONTAGIOUS SMILE EVER and they hate bitches, meaning they'll stab a hoe. So don't mess with them.
Nicos like to spend the time in the sun, So if you have an Nico, be sure to spend all your time in the sun with her, and I'm only saying her.. cause I've never came across a male Alina.

Nicos like Coca-Cola, and affection. So be sure to give them both. Not because you HAVE too. But because you want too. Nicos are veryy easy to keep happy. Just don't be too hard on them, and they'll love you right back. Also whatever mood youre in will rub off on them, So always be happy (Note. Not because you have too, but because you want too) No one like fakers.
Now you know all the steps to caring for your new Nico!
Remember, Nicos are the most beautiful things on the planet and they will straight up leave your ass if you make them unhappy. Therefore, Treat your Nico right, And you shall live a long happy life with her.
nico, nicoleta, iubi
by geo000 August 13, 2012
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he is fucking hot like woah damn. he is tan asf and probably has a pale ass girlfriend. is into girls named laura. He’s quiet af but then u start talking to him a lot and he’s a funny lil guy. also, he likes dick sometimes, but only wednesday nights
by boyihopethefuckyoudo October 29, 2018
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Nico, he first comes across as a shy guy, but once you get to know him he is caring but in a piss taking sort of way. He is always looking at ways of improving himself and the others closest to him, he is not metralistic. I would imagine a nico to have strange sports such as fishing, fighting and probably into leather daddy coats and motorcycles.
"Wow look other there, is that a Nico buying a dishwasher from currys"?
by lPako January 22, 2022
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your lucky if you have a nico in your life man. she is so supportive. she can help you get through tough times. she’s also really cute and all the guys love her.
person 1: hey man i got myself a nico she rlly fire
by billi06 February 4, 2019
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