American Special Forces. Due to them being American, all Americans think they're the best special forces unit in the world. Sadly for the yanks, this is not true.
Navy Seals: Woooooo, we're the best force in the world

S.A.S: No Your not =/

*Navy Seals Die From Fear Of S.A.S*
by Cooperrrrrrrrrrrrrrr April 1, 2009
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Verb; To willingly charge a room filled with gunmen while firing at them with an assault rifle. Usually done in pairs where one player shouts, "NAVY SEALS!" and the other then replies back the same phrase and runs into a room firing randomly usually ending in one player dying.
-standing outside room-
Player One: "Dude, NAVY SEALS!"
Player Two: "NAVY SEALS!"
Player Two Dies.
by Paradox91 July 23, 2009
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American special forces. Highly skilled and dangerous. Took out Bin Laden. There's Americans who debate, oh holy shit the SEALs are the best in the world and then there's everyone else saying no, the SAS is. But seriously, who gives a shit both of them are pretty fucking elite and will kill you with their bare hands in 300 different ways.
The rest of the world:You retarded Americans, the SAS will kick their asses any day.
by ryan12345 March 19, 2013
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1. A totally bad ass division of the U.S. special forces that train for 2 years and endure some of the most hostile terrain. To be a navy SEAL you have to ignore excrusiating pain and focus one one goal, the Trident.

2. What I'm going to be in 6 years.
Wow, i just spent 2 years of my life training to become a well-oiled fine-tuned bad-ass-killing-machine and get this trident and have the right to be called a Navy SEAL. HOOYAH!!!
by MikeDeezy October 12, 2005
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Usually done in middle or high schools. You take a sharpie or permanent marker and sneak up on your unsuspecting victim and then "seal" them by drawing a big line across their throat. Simulates the popular action of throat slashing usually done by Navy SEALS on a regular basis.
Unsuspecting victim: LOLZ nothing's gonna happen to me today! There's NO ONE here besides me!
You: *sneaks up and Navy SEAL's his ass*
Victim: WTF?!!!!
You: *vanish into the shadows*
by Sylar January 21, 2007
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The most absolute badass, motherfucking, kickass elite special forces in the world. They’re the ones that lit up Bin Ladens ass.
Man those Navy SEALS, they are some tough guys
by SealSniper July 30, 2018
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Guy who is always down to take one for the team, forget life, limb, & pride and jump on the grenade.
Dennis is such a Navy SEAL. Last night at the bar, he totally jumped on the grenade so I could talk to her hot friend.
by Hugh Jarack August 17, 2005
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