Australian/Aussie slang for 'mosquitoe' commonly used in spoken language .

for an alternate spelling see also 'mossie'

for an alternate slang term see also 'bloodsucker' (NB: 'Bloodsucker' has now been generalised to also refer to things as varied as vampires, lawyers and leeches and the term generally carries a negative connotation).
Pass me the Aerogard mate, these mozzies are gonna make me go troppo.
by Bob Hu July 14, 2005
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'mozzie' for refering to mosquitoes is predominantly used in spoken language and there are varied spellings for the word (see mossie).

for an alternate slang reference to mosquitoes see also bloodsucker.
Could ya pass me that Aerogard mate? These mozzies are makin' me go troppo.
by Bob Hu July 14, 2005
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>To use own male fluids to dress another man's hotdog.

An alternative to Cum, Jizz or Man Milk. Word derived off Mustard (given meaning).
Male 1: "Oh my god im boutta bust"
Male 2: "Yes, Mozzie me! Mozzie my hotdog"
Male 3: "Yes, give it the New York squiggly hotdog dressing..."
by elchapobutargentinian February 14, 2023
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plural form of mozzy, meaning mosquitoes
Crikey! look at those mozzies! Their huge!
by head_check July 22, 2006
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A tiny ant with a motorcycle helmet that has a sexual attraction to spiders, armed with a tiny ass AR, a shitty pistol and his almost never used drone hacking device, if you main mozzie, chances are that you are 8 years old
Guy 1: Goddammit, Mozzie stole my drone.
Guy 2:Chill out, he won't use it anyway
by Another fucking Fuze July 18, 2020
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1) A 17 year old kid who has a very odd desire to spam and to make his own forums on invisionfree who has a very low mental age. Adored by many

2) Aussie speak for Mosquito
1) There he goes again

2) ahh crap, theres a mozzie on me
by Mozzie January 2, 2004
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