Your average vietnamese guy who starts leadership at a young age, is multi talented and is an expert communist leader. Is likely a saxophonist and is a master at computering.
Thats what we call a Khai Luan in Vietnam, they’ll fuck up anyone you gets in the way.
by Esther Kiley February 12, 2022
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a "dirty Luan" is when a person gets ratio-ed by a image of Barack Obama.
Tom: Did you see what happend to that kid over there?

Zach: no, what happend?

Tom: he got ratio-ed by a picture of Obama!

Zach: Wow, they really are a dirty Luan.
by bbigbbarry January 5, 2022
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The Luan Methdod- A method to help shifting realities. Here’s how you do it!
1- Drink lots of water.
2- Eat something.
3- Have a shower if preferred.
4- Lay in a comfy position.
5- Think about the people in your desired reality and what they look or sound like.
6- Think of the stuff you will do there.
7- you will feel tingles.
8- Repeat affirmations (I am.. I am..)
9- After some time you will feel the room spinning or you will feel light, like your floating.
10- When you are sure of the symptoms, think fo your desired reality bedroom.
11- Count to 100.
12- Sleep.
The Luan Method helps me shift!
by Britishtoiletpaper June 3, 2021
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A really hot and amazing person who can’t whisper. She is kinda mentally ill and definitely queer. She also has a really hot girlfriend.
Girl: omg I fell in love
Her friend: It’s Luane right?
by Misteriosadotimbu November 22, 2021
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- oh, look, it’s Luane, she’s stunning
- I’ve met a girl, she was the most beautiful girl in this world. Her name was Luane
by Lulu1811 November 23, 2021
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- oh, look, it’s Luane, she’s stunning
- I’ve met a girl, she was the most beautiful girl in this world. Her name was Luane
by Lulu1811 November 23, 2021
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