he's sexy he must be a lamar
by marmar56 March 14, 2017
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I was trying to hit on the hot girl in the corner but that guy over there just lamared me!!

I can't believe my best friend lamared me and told my wife about last night.
by VidTin March 18, 2008
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A Great friend to have in life. He always has your back is supportive, encouraging, funny, enthusiastic.

One of the best people to know.
Lamar was supportive of his friend after their dog passed away.
by CandyBarMan July 31, 2021
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One of The coolest people anyone will know
by CandyBarMan October 17, 2021
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Someone who is a great friend, is loyal to you, has your back no matter what, will pick you up when your down, is kind compassionate, considerate of others funny, determined, as well as respectful, & artistic
Lamar comforted his friend when her dog passed away
by CandyBarMan July 25, 2021
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term for an asshole, jerk, dickhead, etc.
can u beleive david when on a date with my girlfriend?? what a lamar, SMH!!
by willybond February 13, 2009
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