an expression used in a similar fashion to 'brap', 'bop' and 'blap' in order to express excitement/ elation!
Emma: Jen Come Dine With Me is on tonight!
by CH5 April 17, 2008
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Jaffa girl right there. Jaffa time we had today.
by xxxelena February 20, 2018
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One of the many English slang words for vagina.
"He wants me to go 'round tonight"
"Well have you shaved your jaffa?"
by Oatmeal tatas January 6, 2016
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Noun. Effete person rendered infertile through excessive alcohol consumption, prosaic conversion or inability to get laid at summer festivals.
Why you such a muggy little jaffa clown?
by hazzawazza September 22, 2013
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(noun) - A nocturnal, hideous creature that goes through a 28 day cycle known as "Jaffa Period" whereby its disgusting toe grows to the size of its head and requires an extra shoe (attached the the side of its left) to house it. Although lacking vital nutrients and has an increasing chance of developing scurvy, it is able to gain all vital amino acids, fats and sugars to aid his growth by devouring his highly acidic toes. He is known as an "it" as he is neither male nor female - although he strives to look like a human male. As he is not both genders, he is not known as a "hermaphrodite."
Ex. 1) "I saw Jaffa's toe the other day. I shall not only turn into stone, but before I do, my retinas will suffer a slow and agonising death."
Ex.2)"He is making me angry, I may speak of Jaffa's toe to aggravate him."
by toeybum July 15, 2012
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jaffa: a servent to the goa'uld on the sci-fi series, stargate sg-1 and in the movies, stargate the ark of truth and stargate continuum. they have a symbol on their heads representing their gods, and they have infant goa'ulds in their stomachs with an opening, when the infant goa'uld grows up, it will go into a human host, and the jaffa will need a new symbiote or die. but the sgc found a cure call tretonin in the episode "cure" that was maid out off symbiotes and gave people short lives. with help from the tok'ra the scg developed a better tretonin that rid the jaffa of symbiotes.
by alyjohn April 21, 2009
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