Affimative response to a question. Or an interjection to an appropriate situation.
"Do you wanna make a beer run?"
"Hell yeah I suck toes!"


"Man I am going to get so shitty tonight. Hell yeah I suck toes!"
by HatesHatesHates February 7, 2010
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The act of saying you banged some skeezer when you actually may not have; something a Doofis might say.
When your friends ask if you scored with some tavern wench, you tell them "Huh? Yeah I cummed in her!"
by TwoTimer January 31, 2008
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The act of saying you banged some skeezer when you actually may not have; something a Doofis might say.
When your friends ask if you scored with some tavern wench, you tell them "Huh? Yeah I cummed in her!"
by TwoTimer January 31, 2008
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