A pe teacher with a ego bigger than the amount of pussy you will get. She always gets cocky and thinks shes cool but in reality she has no friends.
Ms godfrey is a saddo
by Its.scr November 20, 2019
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She is an annoying little brat and is always screaming. She is a twat that none likes
Heidi Godfrey is a brat
by The poopy one October 22, 2019
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Sum fuckn dope hu sez she neva has muni buh den she duz geh eh n goez ou lyk 10 nytz in a row wit d girlz. Also makes lil budgie noisez wit her face.
Teri: Hey, i tot u wernt cumn ou tni cuz u had no muni ? ?
GiGi: Ha found sum in me nostilz, tot eh wz juz a cold xo
Teri: Ur such a fuckn Gemma Godfrey > : (
GiGi: Auwhhhh xo
by TeriXO May 24, 2011
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A selfish, self centered, ignorant & cold-hearted person that behaves as such for no reason. Completely heartless & evil without cause.
Katie is acting like a Crystal Godfrey.
by G.C's Miriam Webster May 23, 2020
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