A Type of Fallacy that only apologists use to dismiss the action of re-evaluating their position and to re-verify, then to only dismiss said statement or argument as fallacy, false, or incorrect.
First off, you're assuming that the family will say "the children". Not all Christian families will say that, and each individual member may have a different answer.

Second, you assume Christian families do that, but you have yet to back it up. Their reaction is not proof, they could be shocked for a number of reasons, as in, they maybe be shocked that you think something so incorrect. Even so, most families will just look at you weirdly or laugh, and say no.

At the end of the day, you have no proof; you have not fulfilled your BoP. Vote con.

A not-so-famous example of The At-The-End-Of-The-Day Fallacy!
by BM99 September 26, 2018
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the prediction that the end of the united states will end the day which it was formally started.
"End-o-pendence day will happen'
by Worlddeath1 July 13, 2008
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It is an expression that takes the edge off of the overused phrase, "At the end of the day."

Utilize those last two minutes of your day to relax, and say goodnight to loved ones.
Two minutes before the end of the day the outcome of today's super important business meeting will be exactly what it was when the meeting ended, as well as exactly the same at the actual end of the day.
by Cyprus Denton Fekks March 14, 2011
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National Tight Ends Day is an annual time to celebrate players at the position. There aren’t any formal traditions, per se, but the NFL uses the holiday to highlight tight ends across the league.
National Tight Ends Day is celebrated in the NFL. It's a new holiday.
by I am the motherFing Man October 26, 2022
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A moronic catchphrase used by empty-headed imbeciles over and over and over who are too stupid to realize they are even saying it, or who foolishly think saying it makes them sound like they know what they're talking about, until hearing it makes your ears bleed and wanting to punch the speaker in the face repeatedly.
Before the end of the day, I would love to see everybody who says, "at the end of the day" placed into a rocket ship and then blasted off into the sun to immediately melt in unimaginable pain and suffering."
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The days approaching the end of society as we know it; be it from divine intervention, corrupt politicians, a revolution, total dystopia, or extinction/enslavement of the human species.

Synonyms: rapture, apocalypse, judgement day, dystopia
Those damn politicians keep passing laws to control people, we either revolt or comply, either way, we are getting closer to the end of days
by STL446 September 6, 2023
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A person who thinks everyone and everything is out to get them and destroy their way of life. The type of person you immediately unfriend on all social media. Similar to a conspiracy theorist, but an End of Days person will unprovokenly dump their psychotic thoughts on you without hesitation. Best to stay away.
Pat: "Did you see the article on what they put into the vaccines??? I can't believe that the government would force us to get those. I will never get anything made by the government."

Sean: "Stay away from the End of Days person over here."
by March 9, 2022
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