to mean connection.

with an ideal group of people.
I have influencer conne like..?
by jmutaruha on ig May 14, 2023
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is where a man is bald with a beard and wears Glasses. Everyone knows a John Conn!
So I was driving down the road when I sow a bald man with a beard and sporting a pair of glasses, I turn to my mother and say

Me: Oh look, there's John!
Mum: Oh yeah!
Me: that John Conn Syndrome!
by danny macky March 1, 2013
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She is the perfect human being. She’s crazy she’s beautiful she’s everything a guy could ever ask for. She is peace. There’s nobody like her. Perfection. So damn perfect. Actually words can’t even describe Liv. Never give up an Olivia Connely.
by Eliteroofer May 16, 2019
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Conns dick is as big as an krakens dick if it were real. It is SOOOOOO slimy and delicious. If you meet someone with a conns dick, enjoy
Girl- how big is you dick
Guy- I have a Conns dick
Girl- oooooooh I'm ready
by Have a fun time June 28, 2021
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"Cough cough cough cough cough cough I've got a bad case of the...cough cough cough...Scott Conns"
by HandsomeMatti November 22, 2021
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