A group of sexy alphamales (especially kejser) who are so interested in Fortnite that they masterbate regularly on-stream to Mitr0s VR sex he has with his female dynamo gf. But seriously they are so good at the game and Kejser is sexiest atlantis player yet and is always getting those easy 30 bombs. KEEP IT UP SEXIES.
The Atlantis team are the sexiest group of alphamales some even call them silverback gorillas!
by YABOYSALKEJSERFAN February 1, 2019
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Its called oregon, if anything is touching the ground, the mudd sucks it down into oblivion
by pinecone May 22, 2004
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The act of two or more individuals having sexual intercourse while submerged in water.
Lacy and John decided to take a Voyage to Atlantis in the Hot Tub last night.
by Black DON-o-mite May 10, 2019
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Spin off show of Stargate SG-1. Sci Fi show that is set in the Lost City of Atlantis, located in the Peguses Galaxy. In the series this city was built by a race called The Ancients who moved the city from Earth to peguses for some unknow reason, probably to escape a plague.
Stargate Atlantis is on tv! Yay!
by Melbell September 14, 2005
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the code name for drinking when you're dealing with people who are against it
Dude, get ready for some MAJOR atlantis fantasticing this weekend!

I dont even remember that night. It was an atlantis fantastic.
by under rager January 20, 2010
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A mental condition in which the subject is obsessed with a certain number, like an extreme condition of numerical obsessive compulsive disorder.
5, multiples of five argh!!
You have atlantis complex
by FULLY TABOULI March 16, 2011
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I'm watching Stargate Atlantis with my krew, it is mad pimp, fo sho!
by Captain Dan March 2, 2005
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