She is a god at games, she is nice and kind, every boy loves her (except for a certain someone), she loves talking with her friends, she loves saying "ew " a lot apparently, and loves to have fun
"Ew it's Annabel," Annabel said.
by vylixes March 29, 2018
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A beautiful kind person. They are often also called Jasmine and nice traits are always found in them. Annabels are funny and great to talk to if you need someone. If you are friends with an Annabel you should be great full.
Annabel helped me do my English homework.
by Dumble September 28, 2017
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Who the fuck eats salad at school?
Annabel. DUHH!!
by Mar 25 2010 March 25, 2010
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A girl named Annabel has usually a large bust, is short and has short cut blonde hair. She loves all things outdoors and is always in to the arts. She is usually from Canada. Annabells always know how to get a mans attention.
Person 1: Wow look over there, look at that girl playing the piano!

Person 2: wow she must be a Annabell
by Hahalol December 10, 2018
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Annabel is so hot, athletic, funny and the best person to be with. You can count on her at anytime. Make sure she dosent steal your man because she’s so fucking hot. She can be a bitch at times but that’s what makes her Annabel
BoyDamn she’s hot she must be an Annabel

Cool girlDid you see that new girl? She is so funny hot and kinda bitchy but a great friend. She’s such an Annabel.
by fuckthatshitswishswishbish March 28, 2018
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An "Annabel" is a generally kind, loving girl with a short temper, a posh voice, is relatively short and deeply relates to Hermione Granger. They make great friends and always get caught in the middle of arguments between friends but try to remain neutral. They are very tolerant, but if you make a friend like an Annabel, hold onto them for life.
Awww, she's such an Annabel.
That new girl is such an Annabel.
by HeCrat April 21, 2019
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