The act of putting one finger in a girls pussy and the other in her bum and feeling your fingers through the little wall.
Friend: how was last night?
You: I said hello from the other side
Friend: what?
You: ya know I gave her the Adele
by RenogadeParade October 12, 2017
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A foreplay act that involves fingering both the vagina and the anus simultaneously. While performing this act, rub your fingers together between the perineum as if saying hello from the other side.
I gave my girl the adele last night and it was game on.
by JGD60 October 13, 2017
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1) A girl that is two faced.

2) A girl that will judge you for no reason, even if she has never met you and has never gotten to know you.

3) A girl that will be nice to you only when other people are around.

4) A girl that is a total bitch and has no nice feelings for anyone other than herself.
"I thought she was nice, but Adele turned out to be a scandalous bitch!"
by reapingjustice April 18, 2010
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Three-fingered sloth / cat hybrid. Has an avid love for carrots and drools acid when annoyed, angered, sleepy, excited, aroused or bored.
I have an Adele sticking to my leg.
by Starfyre May 6, 2005
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A pop-singer with an awful voice. A disgrace to the music industry.
1. Wow, Adele has an awful voice.
by ThatOneGirl01 December 20, 2011
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Adele is a funny and caring person.She is very loud and passionate. Her laugh and smile is enough to make your day a happy one if you ever find remember to keep her
Can you hear Adele?
You can tell its her just listen to that laugh!
by Rose Heartfilia July 13, 2017
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Adelle is a skinny legend who loves her beauty and has an annoying voice.She can be really fun to be around but she sucks at comforting people.She can be your bestest friend who is smart but crazy.She is always welcoming to make new friends and sometimes take studies wayyyyy to seriously but it’s great and we all love her.we all need a Adelle.
friend 1:Adelle help
Adelle:you stupid little shit what do you wantttt what happenssss
by a p p l e s a u c e s May 1, 2020
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