the day mi amor was born 😩💍
Girl one: Hey whats today?

Me:mi amors birthday 💍 May 7th 😍
by ********* amor 😻 October 19, 2021
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The day when sHit happens and the miss on your roof judges you and sends it’s email to the moss god which reigns over the religion with the ivory bear jr god
Fuck me iTS May the seventh

The worst/holiest day of the year

May 7th
by Moss god October 21, 2019
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on May 7th your s/o has to send you a picture of their boobs, with or without a bra on.
Girl 1: My man said it was national boob pic day?
Girl 2: Girl send him something
May 7th
by vexxii May 6, 2022
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Get yo girl to send u a titty pic today
"Hey baby its May 7th-National Free Titty Pic Day"
" What does that mean"
"U gotta send me a titty pic"
by KobeTheKoala May 7, 2023
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Person 1 : Parents always say not to take candy from strangers so why does Halloween exist?
Person 2 : What-
Person 1 : The letter W is just an M upside-down.
Person 2 : Wait.-
Person 1 : If we have watermelon why isn't there a firemellon, earthmellon, or a airmellon? THE ELEMELONS
Person 2 : Why.
Person 1 : It's Annoy Your Friends Day! (May 7th)
Person 2 : Well you suceeded
by BellaBie May 7, 2022
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May 7th is the day to have fun and relax with your guys.
Guys, its May 7th. Who want a few beers ?
by Ser21 May 7, 2022
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National Wifey Day

The day you take your wife/gf/fiancé to get nails done, take her out on a nice date and give her gifts and flowers. Show some appreciation to your girl( who soon to be a mother to your child)
Eric: Let’s go grab a beer
Sam: Can’t. Gotta take my girl out today and show her some appreciation.
Eric: why?
Sam: because today is May 7th
by RealLove123 May 8, 2021
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