adj. Derived from Stood Up. When you finally get a sneeze rolling that's been nagging you for the past few minutes, only to find at the last second that the sneeze has deserted you leaving your face in a retarded semi-yawning expression.
Dave: omg! I get yawned up so many times at work I never want to sneeze again!
by jqtcc July 1, 2011
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The act of pushing away your erect penis as in stretching when yawning.
He was dick yawning with my leg while watching TV in bed.
by Tripvd June 9, 2020
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The shape the opening makes when a penis is quickly pulled out of a vagina.
After a fast pounding, he quickly pulled out and left a gaping Cobra Yawn.
by Nucleardictionary November 30, 2017
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An airborne virus causing everybody in contact to yawn.
“The yawn bug is real bad today.”
by hypedaboutlife May 13, 2019
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It's probably 3am and you were bored
Person 1: *yawn*

Person 2: did you just say "astrix yawn astrix"

Person 1: um... No? *Sweats nervously*

Person 2: what the fuck
by Troy the Meme Boi April 17, 2020
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when you yawn in technicolour.
(but it's much more messy too)
Person 1: I'm so tired! (does a technicolour yawn)
(notices the mess on the floor)
I never knew that's what "technicolour yawn" means!
by AshtyBoi September 5, 2021
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Zom's Yawning Emoji is more than just a yawning emoji, it's a personality itself. To use it you put "🥱" in your bio
It means you don't care at all and never will about anyone

Zom's Yawning Emoji is long for ZYE
Josh: Hey my grandpa just died im feeling kinda sad
Karlson: Zom's Yawning Emoji
Josh: You're so rude
by HinatoForZom July 7, 2022
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