On this day all mods are allowed to delete talk
This allows the mods to relax as the would not have to deal with talk
by just a random memer December 16, 2020
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Used when texting as a replacement for what you really want to say, as in, you've typed and deleted several responses already but can't quite get the wording right . Let's the recipient know that you are mulling over the response and not ignoring the question.
Wayne: Will you still love me when I'm in my carbohydrate, sequined-jumpsuit, young-girls-in-white-cotton-panties, waking-up-in-a-pool-of-your-own-vomit, bloated-purple-dead-on-a-toilet phase?

Cassandra: Type delete
by SecretRat November 11, 2017
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Yetus Deletus I'm gonna give myself 100 thousand Beetus
Im gonna Die and then Im gonna be Deleting Myself
by Mike Hunt onmablles November 28, 2020
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the weekend, usualy once a month, that you spend deleting everything that you dont want on your phone, usualy the aftermath of a download week
guy 1: dude, im in for one hell of a delete weekend.
guy 2: good download week?
guy 1: yeah but now i have so many cat videos i need to get off my phone.
by bladewind April 18, 2013
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An undeserved response to someone who responded with “yessir
Girl: “Deleted snap?? why did you delete your response to my text

*her text*: “yessirr”
by Monkeyalien June 4, 2021
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an acronym for the term Dumb Evil Little Effing Troll which was popularized and possibly conceived by the Kardashian sisters. A double entendre, the term also evokes the phrase Delet this, a nuanced comedic expression used when commenting on something the user finds offensive. delet should only be used in writing, used to convey the wordsmith's feelings of intense disgust for the subject of discussion.
Khloe: *wakes Kim*
Kim: "How fucking dare you Khloe? You crossed a major line with me. That shit is not okay. You dumb evil little effing troll. You have no idea how much I hate you. You’re disgusting."
Khloe: "ugh. delet"
by eggnog_coffee December 28, 2018
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