A shortened version of "Samantha" used by women who don't take themselves too seriously. Sams are generally high-energy, full of laughs, but are not immediately liked by people who meet them for the first time. They can seem quiet, but have a deeply loving and caring side to them. They can be overly chatty, and often like to gossip, but would apologize profusely if the recipient ever found out what they said. Sams are often athletic, and thus extremely attractive women who have many suitors. They smile wide, but internally worry about what people think of them. A Sam is someone who takes a little bit to get to know, but once you do, they'll never leave your life.
"Oh, Sam - she's such an odd girl but I love her anyway!"
by observer_of_life January 14, 2018
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Nice ass quads(and his right calf ):)
Damn Sam has some beautiful quads and a 10/10 right calf
by Humungas rigjt quad April 8, 2021
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If you know a Sam you ar so lucky. She is like a sister to you she is kind and caring but she may be rude sometimes but she will forgive you after . Sam is very sensitive so be careful of your words .
Who is she?
Ohh she is Sam she is like a sister to me
by J0yzzzt April 20, 2017
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Sam is a really great guy who has many friends and many people love him. You can trust him with everything and anything! He is always there for his friends and can make you happy at the worst of times. He is one of those people that you can just get on with and easily spend a happy amount of time with. Every girl would be lucky to have a guy like Sam and even though he is annoyingly smart he is also witty, charming, cute and has great hair. He also is an amazing soccer player who will make it professionally, he is an amazing talent. People should watch him play, they would be amazed at his skill level! He never gives himself enough credit for the great person he is. He has a large affect on people's lives- more than he will ever know. Basically he is an easy guy to love and someone you never want to lose from your life. So hope to always know him and that he will never change.
Look he's such a Sam.
by Minimessi10 October 30, 2018
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Sam is a JERK and will ruin your life, he will try to make you do every thing for him, and he complains 24/7. He can go and suck a sewage drain.
Person 1- Sam can you pick up my pencil?
Sam- No go pick it up yourself.
Person 1- *Cry because Sam is mean*
by CountJingleKitty December 28, 2018
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Sam is a fat sheep who has a very cool hairstyle that looks like wool of a sheep. In recent years he has also turned into a simp.
"Yooo look at that sheep."
"That's Sam!"
by mmmmmmglizzygladiator470 October 27, 2020
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