CAB -n - acronym that arranges to a word familiar to a pedestrian that walks the streets of New York. Initial meaning is "Cunt Ass Bitch". Permeated throughout the Northeast town of Allenhurst by Kate O'Rourke. She discovered this word while backpacking through Europe while she was studying abroad.
"Wow, that tourist was such a CAB" exclaimed young Billy, as he was flung to the sidewalk by the oblivious tourist...
by Chris Fumatumahufalla May 6, 2009
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An evil metaphoric vehicle used when breaking up.
Dude, did you hear? Bob took a cab and now Bill's all alone, poor guy...
by blahblahblahhhh January 14, 2009
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A person who is lame. They tend to always flake or be unreliable. They can also sometimes kill the good mood. “Stop being a cab, and let us live a little!” “Don’t trust that guy, he’s a cab”
by Diamonds and Roses July 25, 2019
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1) A taxi
2) A ride
3) A smelly car that takes you from place to place.
4) CAT misspelled
Imagine hailing a CAB ride in the big apple and that bitch was the Cash Cab. Would you be excited to play for money or pissed those damn bells and sirens scared the shit of you on TV?

My CAB driver was driving so crazily not even Jesus, himself, could have known what to do had he taken hold of the wheel in that moment.
by ComeNSeeMe4Once April 1, 2021
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Your so CAB
by Loooooooop November 7, 2020
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A CAB is a (C)unt (A)ss (B)itch who will ditch you, run away, be earnest 24/7, and also doesn't gives shit about your life
Guy: dude she's a damn CAB
Friend: what's a CAB?
Guy: A cunt ass Bitch
Friend: ohhhh, you're right she is a CAB
by TheA55eaterGOD September 15, 2017
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