Axel is the type of person that seems cool when you first meet him and is a total piece of crap but sometimes he redeems himself by eating your booty cheeks.
i meet this total Axel last week.
by DoiminantMale69 December 22, 2018
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axel is the type of guy who is a demiboy just because his best friend Arlo is transgender and ligit fakes Disorder like Anxiety and overthinking with out getting a diagnoses.
Me" hey axel i cant go to school today"
Axel:" is it because you dont like me, am i not good enough for you?!?"
Axel:" pathetic peace of sh*t"
by urmumsupremecy April 3, 2022
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The Guy that is much Cooler Than Olle and Jonathan.
Axel’s Dick is huge and axel is black.
Omg axel, its hugeee
by Im not named axel March 24, 2020
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hello is this the imlisrt insoster: yes this is me inster : me & OKUYASHOE: helo inster how are you : inpost I'm good : ratio
by __can_you_dont_ April 25, 2021
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a latino guy who’s got a big heart and is super chill. only thing he doesn’t do is hang out during weekends. 🤬
i love axel
by StinkyFart7000 April 4, 2023
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axel is one of the best ppl u have ever met. you can always count on him to be there for you. he always puts ppl before him, even though he rlly doesnt need too. he can make u happy just by being here. he’s cute, kind, loyal, and so much more. he isnt the type to cheat so you dont need to worry abt that. hes the best boyfriend someone can ever get, even if he doesnt feel like he is. if u have an axel in ur life, pls keep and protect him for life 🙏🙏
its Axel my fav person ever !!!
by axellover July 1, 2023
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The name of a Person who loves to be present at every single party. Axel can typically be found at your local after hours spot drinking light beer out of a solo cup that he acquired from someone else . This individual has clearly never had a job in sales which is evident by his inability to close with the opposite sex. He is swiftly friendzoned by 99% of women he meets but allegedly kissed a girl in 7th grade. Despite his greatest endeavors to engage with women, he simply cannot manage to come into contact with the female genitalia. This guy has struck out more times at the bar than Jose Conseco. In Layman terms, you have a better chance of getting laid with Bill Cosby as your wingman. Unfortunately, The female reproductive system simply eludes him. A mediocre DJ at best, he can be seen spinning at every party past 4 am although he has never had a gig at a legitimate venue in his career. No one knows where he actually lives but he is notorious for passing out at your place in the middle of the party with the nearest couch being his personal sleeping preference. He has been labeled as a serial couch surfer after several repeat offenses. On the contrary, Axel is widely considered a good guy by most and can get you into any club for free but has never actually been seen buying a drink inside. This character goes out and parties every single night but ironically still somehow manages to leave empty handed. Axel simply gets NO BUNS.
Adam: Bro , who is that dude that just got curves by those girls at the bar”?

Mike: Oh don’t worry about him that’s just Axel. Axel gets no buns
by NotoriouSief March 18, 2022
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