A gay australian stripper who loves pole dancing like a brown sugar baby
Rebel turds
by Aisa ching chong June 18, 2018
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he is a lucky turd monkey
by pooplkeis September 25, 2020
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When you have gas all night and go to shit and it comes out like Captain Caveman's club.
by Darckcloud August 17, 2017
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Another Way To Diss Your Friend In A Unmature Way....

Though very stupid, it's quite funny when used out of the blue...makes one look puzzled and stare at you blankly in curiousity of what the hell you just said!

Ya know Joe, You are a no good turd shitter!

Or, Joe you peice of no good turd shitter!
by Chris "The Outlaw" December 18, 2007
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A guy with no game who frequently tries coming onto women with cheesy pick up lines. Synonyms: douchebag, tool, creep
This turd-juicer can't take a hint.

Why are all these turd-juicer sending me dick pics?!
by Piperrydes May 3, 2022
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A person who gives unsolicited medical advice to someone who is actually working in the medical field.

Describes a non-registered nurse, unlicensed medical need, who doesn’t realize they look like an ignorant ass.
That registered turd had the nerve to point out my cold sore and tell me to treat it with tooth paste and tape.
by December 1, 2022
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