1) Slip knot: A type of knot, the most common attach a line to an object, and tighten when tension is applied to the free end of the line. Also used for hanging the condemned in the middle ages.
2) Slipknot: A mediocre, nine-piece nu-metal band that has,thankfully, faded from the public spotlight. It's fairly common for pimply, angst-ridden, 'misunderstood' adolescents to be big fans.
Melodramatic teen: Like my face, my soul is (acne) scarred. I listen to slipknot to drown out the constant burden of everyday teenage life, and to find a common thread with my misery. No one understands the depth of my tortured soul. I'll give them a glance into my misery by hanging myself with a rope tied with a slipknot.
by jeffy dahmer March 6, 2007
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SlipKnoT is a Nu-metal band. It consists of nine members. They have talent, despite what people may tell you. SlipKnoT is a very polarizing band because of number of members/what the do on stage/ect. ect. You either hate them for the most part, or you really like them. there fans are called MaGGoTs many people try to make the MaGGoTs feel bad because they call themselves MaGGoTs, but to all of them please note: We don't give a shit. Being a MaGGoT is a badge of honor to us. Also recently SlipKnoT has put out alot of pop songs i.e. dead memories and snuff to name two. Alot of emo pussy faggots like these song because they think it's cool. to said emo pussy faggots I would like to say go fuck yourself these songs arn't for you Cory taylor (lead vocals for SlipKnoT) has even stated himself how male emos are just suicidal teens who are confused about there sexuality and wear there sisters/gf pants (I'm paraphrasing). You emo assholes give us REAL MaGGoTs bad names. Oh and side note: All you fucktards who say SlipKnoT isn't real metal and that MaGGoTs don't know what real metal is please try to understand that you are retarted as I am living proof of your observation fail. I enjoy listening to bands such as Gojira, Gorgoroth, Mayhem, Dimmu Borgir, meshuggah, Behemoth, white chapel, children of bodom, burzum, ect.ect. And about how SlipKnoT isn't real metal. THE GENRE THEY ARE IN IS CALLED NU-METAL DUMB ASS. Metal is in the God damn Title of the genre.
MaGGoT: Hey do you like SlipKnoT?

Emo pussy faggot: Yeah.

MaGGoT: Oh really what's your favorite song?

emo pussy faggot: Dead memories because it totally gets me.

MaGGoT: Get the fuck out of here you sad sack of shit you give us real MaGGoTs bad names.

Emo pussy faggot: -cries and slits there wrist-

MaGGoT: Fucking poser

Metal head (not maggot): Your a poser too you like SlipKnoT.

MaGGoT: Why because there Nu-metal?

Metal head (not maggot): Yeah Nu-metal is a metal genre fail.

MaGGoT: Your a fucking dumb ass just because you don't like it dosn't mean it's wrong. It means you have a different taste in music and, are probobly a judgmental, bigoted, dumb shit who dosn't like it because your daddy told you anything you don't like is bad when he was fucking you up the ass when you were little.

Metal head (not MaGGoT): -thinks- Hmm... you may be right.

MaGGoT: Well now that we kind of see eye to eye, help me get rid of the dead emo kid before somebody finds the body.
by The Real MaGGoT May 5, 2010
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A group of angry masked men standing around... in masks.
Wow. Look. It's Slipknot... look how masky they are.
by Robert Goodberry May 7, 2005
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9 man band (Corey Taylor, Mick Thompson, Craig Jones, Chris Fehn, Shawn Crahan, Joey Jordison, Sid Wilson, Paul Grey and James Root.) from Iowa best fuckin band in the world best songs duality, pulse of the maggots, spit it out, before i forget and many more 5 albums
mate, eat, kill, repeat-quite shit (only a five man band back then)
self title- fuckin amazing
Iowa-also amazing
vol. 3 subliminal verses- best album
9.0 live -live album sooo good live

amazing metal bands also- disturbed, korn,cradle of filth, ill nino,

To all the maggots out their stay (sic) fuckers and remmember "You cannot kill what you did not create"
To all you fuckers who hate slipknot suck my balls dick shit fuckers
To all the maggots out there say it again say it agan we wont die- Slipknot for life
by Tal12321 July 12, 2006
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slipknot is basicly an awsome nu metal band. Those of you who say that they are un-talented can go fuck urselves.
Joey is one of the best double pedal players on this planet. Although Cory has the reputation of being a no talent screamer he is actually a very good singer, listen to the song circle for evedince of this. If u think that the guitars are just loud an distorted u would also be wrong. Listen to the song The Pulse of the maggots in the middle of said song there is a duling solo some of the licks in said solo come from malmsteen scales. no one ever accused malmsteen of being just loud and distorted. they also have some of the most complicated song structures of just about any band around. Thats why i hate it when people say they have no talent.

If u dont like slipknot because they have "made it" then ur a fuckin retard. The idea of depriving yourself of any band that u would otherwise like just because they arn't "underground" is one of the stupedest ideas i have ever heard. thats insanity.

I don't care if u dont like a band but when they are as popular as slipknot others obviously do so don't bad mouth them just cause u dont like their music or whatever.

The other thing i have found is that alot of people who dont like them havent really listent to them. dont knock somthing if u havent really tried it
It u dont like slipknot then Just pretend they dont exist and get along with your life. Other people happen to like their music
by Justin August 16, 2005
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