A slut, who looks alot like pamela aderson with no titties
Bob: Was that pamela aderson?
Bill: No she has no titties, that paris hilton. dumbass
by Casey555 November 14, 2005
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paris hilton is coming to town!
To the tune of "Santa Clause is coming to town"

She'll sleep with a girl, she'll sleep with a guy.

She'll make you hurl I'm tellin you why.

Paris Hilton's Coming to town.

She'll take off from the "Simple Life".

She'll tape you both when you sleep.

You won't want her to be your wife.

Cause man can she be cheap.

Oh,She'll sleep with a girl, she'll sleep with a guy.

She'll make you hurl I'm tellin you why.

Paris Hilton's coming to town

She's takin your friends, and doin them twice.

You better believe she's setting a price.

Paris Hilton's Coming.

Boy, is Paris Cumming.

Paris Hilton's Coming to town!
everything paris hilton does is an example.
by hiltonhaters August 25, 2006
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Easily the most annoying celebrity out there;
Random 12 year old: "Paris Hilton is my idol."
Me: *punch in face*
by Drowning Instructor November 26, 2005
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A dirty, shallow, pointless white trash heiress who made it big by getting banged by some dick from NJ on night vision and since has become a huge sensation despite having no talent or redeeming qualities what so ever. She's worshipped by double digit IQ'd teenagers who can't take logical criticism about her without resorting to 5th grade insults such as "ur jeluz". Theres a war beetween her fans and her haters debating her fame all over the net. The fans are usually naive 14 year olds without any taste or imaginations in ART or music. Her haters usually resort to logic but can't quite explain it to the generation of mindless, mtv robots raised on fast music videos and shitty music. She's currently the biggest thing in America and frankly, I can sure do without her.

Paris Hilton was parodied on South Park and it was actually not far from the real thing.
by rob ricksen February 27, 2006
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paris hilton is responsable for EVERYTHING that is wrong with the world!EVER! anything done at any time in the world was paris hilton's fault!
jane: omg suzie you slept with my boyfriend
suzie: it was that bitch paris hilton's fault!
jane: oh ok wanna go and hit her with a sledge hammer?
suzie: sure!
by willy mcjam June 21, 2006
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12. Paris Hilton
Super Hoe, Former Trailer Trash until she fucked some rich dude and taped it, Breakfast: dick, Lunch: cum, Dinner: salty balls,
So Paris what do you do on Saturdays

Oh I have a foreign objects stuck in my mouth
by silent assasin July 1, 2005
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