Super smashing great. things which are fantastic to locals from plymouth
i saw this well nice trakor he was well pasty tastic
by Mistresssilent August 20, 2009
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When you eat a food that is so succulent that you immediately bust a nut.
Overwhelmed by the nut-tastic steak, he was unable to contain himself at the dinner table.
by Nut-tastical May 18, 2019
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To be surperior in all ways, shapes and forms.
Dude! That shirt is so pope-tastic!
by Jordynisbeast November 18, 2010
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A word used to describe something that is Awesome, Steak Sauce, And fantastic. Often used in more then average situations.
Aidan- I killed that dude on the game

Jess- Awesome-Sauce-Tastic!
by Bostonboiii December 5, 2011
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An event that exceeds your known understanding of bad circumstances.
"Went to a craw-fish broil; some dog knocked over the broiler. `Twas shit-tastic."
"By shit-tastic, do you mean: 'An event that exceeds your known understanding of bad circumstances.'? That's what I get from the way you say it, anyways."
"Yeah basically."
"Oh, haha, cool. Man, that sucks! What'd you do?"
"Ducked out of there with my girl and her sister's dogs. They didnt knock the shit over, but they were there and I like looking after them."
"Ah that's cool, what breed are they?"
"I don't really know. Like jack russel something. no fucking idea."
"Haha, alright man. Nice chatting."
"yeah no prob. peace dude"
by midinerd April 1, 2019
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an adjective or adverb (creep-tasticly) used to describe something extremely creepy, weird, awkward, scary, or pedophile-ish.
jane: "this guy i dont know won't stop sending pictures of himself to me"
john: "wow, that is creep-tastic"
by SheB:) August 16, 2010
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