When a bunch of guys engage in a full weekend or a brief vacation with the primary intent to violate women (ex. Pussy grabbing)
Donald Trump, Billy Bush and friends planned a huge Billy Bush weekend during the 2016 U.S. presidential election and they even filmed a clip of the conversation on tour bus.
by Liadi Aaron September 13, 2017
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The exact moment when a player pays attention and blows your mind with excitement that causes you to explode
You did it! The Steam Boat Billy we wanted from you daddy
by MikoChe3ks September 18, 2022
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A person that is never, not having a good time.

Even though they are most likely intoxicated, they lead the charge in some of the most intricate conversations.

They are not political, mostly because they are living in the "NOW".

They don't often make mistakes, but when they do, it always leads to an amazing opportunity that maximizes the collective's time.

Most likely to be the best-man at a wedding and leave with the line of bridesmaids.
Look at that Billy Head over there, he just chugged a bottle of Jager, disappeared for 3 minutes, and started a conga line with 30 smokeshows.
Are you going to the Billy Heads' tonight? I heard they boxed their whole house last weekend.
by TrevorShanton August 29, 2020
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When a female is engaged in sexual intercourse with a man with a long goatee or beard, and the female grips his goatee or beard hair for stability as he thrusts into her.
"Bruh, I was speed-thrusting this chick straight missionary and she was Billy Goating me for leverage while I pounded it!"
by Josh0351 January 11, 2020
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When you decide to Pump your pals sister and go back to her flat. Everyone knows your pumping her but rather than tell everyone the truth about where you have been, you just say you stayed at Billy’s House.
“What were you up to last night Birnie?” “Oh you know just staying at Billy’s house
by Shagger Birnie April 30, 2020
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A person who asks for everything, when you have something they want it.
You:(two dollars in your hand)
Fili Billy: Can I have a dollar I'll pay you back.
You: fine
(Two weeks later)
You: Aye can I have a dollar?
Fili Billy: (30 dollars in his hand) Nah
by ChinChina May 21, 2017
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