Christianity A mental illness Similar to schizophrenia thinking a sky daddy god is real and Can be heard When someone speaks in tongues and saw and felt and learned about in a biblical Delusional book
Hey These abrahamic Believers must be Delusional and have a Mental illness Called Christianity so Sky daddy syndrome is real Jesus Christ unholy Messiah they need help
by Lucifer's prince July 8, 2022
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A belief system held by community of people, where narcissistic people can be openly abusive and be praised for it by it's other members.
He used to be such a nice person but Christianity got him and now he is shooting gays, burning women who went on abortion and dictating other peoples lives.
by missshelll January 12, 2023
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A practicing Christian with who doesn't hold Christian values. From Revelations 3:16.
That guy who goes to the 12:00am mass is a very luckwarm Christian, just to let you know. I know this because he is pro choice and supprots sodomy rights.
by Shenye March 31, 2022
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What a load of pretentious crap. When I was a teenager I used to think this band was so fucking cool. Now I’m older and a lot more rational and it’s hard not to pick up on the cringe and pretentiousness of it all. Rozz Williams was no genius. Just a poor man’s Robert Smith.
Christian Death were lame as fuck.
by WorseThanHitler December 4, 2020
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