To urinate into a prntner's ass.
Honey, I have to pee so I'll just give you the ol yellow submarine!
by James Castleberry October 10, 2003
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Submarining with the cosby kids means diving down as deep as you can, dropping some logs, and then racing them back to the surface.

Not so cool in a public pool.
Serena was totally impressed with how deep Larry could dive, until the dooks started surfacing, and she saw that he'd been submarining with the cosby kids.

She didn't leave a note.
by scodder June 19, 2010
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A sexual act which one participant presses their anus against their parther's anus and poops a log directly into their partner's open anus. The turd moves like a submarine from one body into another.
I met a sailer named Pat. After topping him he who gave me a huge San Francisco Submarine. It was long, hard, and full of sea men.
by Adimus Prime December 15, 2021
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to rip a bong load hold it in and take a shot of whiskey then suck on a titty.
i was gone for the night after doing a submarine milkmaid with my girl.
by jazzyj March 31, 2010
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To store a pickle in your ass then go to a public pool and push it out into the water.
Hey buds let's all go to the pool and drop an Irish Submarine!

Hey Jaydan!, did you see Greg drop that Irish Submarine yesterday!?!
by MadMarty911 March 9, 2016
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A Giant, Commander of Submariners, Who destroys trolls with Torpedos the size of school buses, Big Submariners prefer NOT to travel in rivers, due to the water being filled with the tears of Trolls.
A Big Submariner spots a troll, He quickly launches his torpedos and surfaces to play the song "We all live in a Yellow Submarine".
by TheCommanderOfSubmariners July 13, 2010
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