that hairy guy off big brother who looks like wolverine and says fuck alot
person 1: OMG did you see big brother last night? Marcus and Siavash were oil wrestling!! :D
person 2: WHAT?! I MISSED MARCUS COVERED IN OIL?! D: i think i'll go kill myself now.
by rubbaboots returns August 24, 2009
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the guy every man falls for and will never fancy a women on top of him. He is always fat as.
Girl: hahha look at that butters marcus over there!
by Lol Marcus February 15, 2014
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the soyest of all the boys, lacking all manliness and no signs of any alpha male characteristics
Oh hi SOY BOY (marcus)
by Your friendly GOAT December 2, 2019
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Likes to beat his meat. Usually to pictures of fiory.
hey marcus wast up
by thot snaps November 16, 2017
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annoying and bitchy. doesn't know what boundaries are and doesn't respect peoples limits. he is a nice person and has good intentions but as soon as you get on a comfortable level with Marcus he will whip out his dirty minded, inappropriate side. Marcus can be annoying very easy and you can only take a small amount of him every so often.
girl: have you seen Marcus today?
guy: no, and I sure hope not. that guy is soooooo annoying!
girl: I know right! and I oop tsk tsk tsk tsk
by DONT TOUCH ME!!!!!!!!!!! September 2, 2019
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Marcus Baker it’s a character from the series Ginny and Georgia and it’s hot asf.
Marcus Baker can step on me and I’d thank him.
by ISimpOverBritishBoys March 10, 2021
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