Ginger, buff and beautiful...
Gods golden gift wrapped in ginger fur.
Person 1: Whats another word for perfect?
Person 2: Aidan.
by Gods Gift To Urban Dictionary February 7, 2018
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A really big pervert. Who pays attention to women and their boobs also their asses. who is a possible rapist.
Aidan: Hey girl I like those boobs
Aidan: I'm sorry I just wanted to touch them.
by lovelyatstuff September 27, 2017
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The name of a middle school boy that makes retarded memes, puns, and jokes, and is overall retarded
by GregorHG February 17, 2016
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Extreamly short and angry midget, may disguise itself as a kola to fool you and rape you. beware the Aiden for it shall devour your very cheese. there mothers are extreamly fine! and sisters too.
"Look at the size of that aidan!"
"My Friend is such an aidan!"
"Aidan`s mom!"
by Midget-Killa! November 23, 2007
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Aidan sucks and Megan is way better that him.
Aidan is never going to be as amazing as Megan
by Lickbum1923 January 20, 2019
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Aidan is the Sexiest man with the biggest dick you will ever see. Aidan usually has the hottest girl in school. You will not regret sex with Aidan.
Girl 1: I fucked Aidan

Girl 2: lucky bastard
by Bobthebuilderboi October 4, 2018
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Aidan is cool
by THEAJA October 4, 2018
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