a handsome guy with a beautiful smile that light up a room a laugh that makes you happy and eyes like no one else it so hard not to fall in love with him
have you ever fallen in love ? if so with who ? i feel in love and its been the best feeling ever thank you christian for making everyday a better day then the day before i love you christian <3
by blueheart_ rivas 17 February 2, 2022
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a handsome guy with a beautiful smile that light up a room a laugh that makes you happy and eyes like no one else it so hard not to fall in love with him
have you ever fallen in love ? if so with who ? i feel in love and its been the best feeling ever thank you christian for making everyday a better day then the day before i love you christian <3
by blueheart_ rivas 17 February 2, 2022
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Christian is a very handsome man with a very big penis he also loves ladies and when he talks to them he id always kind, Ladies if your are looking for a man A guy named Christian is a good man for you he will help around the house wash the dishes cook and do whatever you want him to do
by Nathanissexy June 26, 2019
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The best boyfriend that a guy could ask for, smart, sweet, and loving to everyone around him. He tends to be over protective but will still hang out with you when it’s safe (COVID-19 / 2020) He is incredible handsome and hot both on the inside and the outside.
Christian is hot as f*ck
by Gay media March 20, 2020
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one of the most awesome humans you’ll have the good fortune of meeting ... kind, generous, fun, people magnet, loving, shaman, with superior music taste and dance moves to match. Friends of Christian would be lost without his wise words and depth.
Damn, this party could be hella good ... if only Christian was here
by September 8, 2020
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n. and adj. (of) a follower of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, even though there are sects of this it still makes you a Christian. A Christian is a spiritual person who doesn't sin but admits they did, is morally perfect, often part of a strict church with way too many prohibitions and often is crusading against non-believers saying how sinful they are, and also they hold it by faith resulting from all their life doubting when they no longer doubt and often get special treatment because their religion prohibits things people would normally do, those hat-wearing people deviating from the world.
Christian comes knocking at the door,
Answer: not interested!
Slams door in the Christian's face.
by King Charles Evergreen September 19, 2021
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