An overrated LED light, usually green, that is apparently only good looking on Midland weather radios.
by RammerSTi October 15, 2023
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To have gay sex.
Tom: Where are Jim and George?

Mark: I think they went to the bathroom to drink a Bud Light.

Tom: Ha, faggots.
by Tom (short for Tomothy) July 10, 2023
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When a fuckboy is looking for a threesome and is a rude to the girls. Usually affiliated in drug relationships or slaughter gang shit. Every boys does it because they think it looks cool
Bruh have you seen that guy yesterday. He was such a dick to those girls after snorting, he was such a gerald light
by Jeffrey Hefty Nic November 13, 2017
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Random Light is when someone randomly starts fucking people in public while wearing Christmas lights so he stands out, they call it a random event
“Wow is he really fucking him in public with Christmas lights? This is a random light”
by PewPewshots November 16, 2017
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she looks at him lustfully thinking of how she could turn his lights on
by A.Artsy December 17, 2017
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A Speed of Light, the Hands is a South African legend of a man that's fists move faster than the speed of light. It can run with its hands faster than normal people can move their feet. He's also has insane precision and is good with his hands on the ladies. He's incredible nay insane.
by kieronthKid January 13, 2021
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23.oct is the day were you beat Traffic lights bc they don’t go green (Actually they are already green you just didn't notice and you did just looked dumb and stupid)
beat traffic lights day

you: (Aggressively beating traffic lights)

friend: bro wtf are you doing
you: ITS NOT GOing- green....
you: (looking stupid)
by friendsAreStupidAF October 23, 2020
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