When a person strokes their genitals to calm themselves but not necessarily to induce sexual excitement.
The meeting set unrealistic deadlines so I ended up lint brushing in the bathroom until I could get back to work.
by NevrKnwsBest December 20, 2017
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Panty residue from cotton panties sometimes in the form of balls. Similar to clitty litter but usually cotton no foreign objects
I hate being on my period and wearing cotton panties. ..i always get giant clit lint
by Aryan Barbarian22 April 1, 2015
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When a woman's nether region is so engulfed by pubic hair that her lover is required to remove and untangle it from her vaginal opening in order to perform any and all sex acts. hairy furry all natural
Last night I experience a lint nest for the first time. I was not disappointed.
by WhitePeopleNonsense May 16, 2017
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The crumbled specks of toilet paper that fall down after wiping your ass.
Damn it! Who left all the shit lint on the floor again!

Nasty shit lint residue on the seat, wtf.
by Seabiscuit December 5, 2017
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People who enter a train and get stuck at the door forcing everyone else to have to squeeze past them even though there's ample space further inside the compartment. Sort of like lint in the dryer.

See also, train lint catcher - a person who yells at train lint to move further in and stop blocking the door.
Man there was so much train lint on the 9:02 this morning, I feel like I've been in a mosh-pit. We could've really used a train lint catcher.
by jeamish February 25, 2021
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Left over little pieces of toilet paper after wiping a wet vagina. No poop matters included so no were close to a dingleberry!
Went down on my lady but had to ask her to remove her twat lint first smh.
by sexylexie 1977 September 27, 2015
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When putting on fresh from the dryer undies, and nice string of warm lint becomes trapped in the butt crack.
Man#1: I was so mad yesterday when I woke up to a fresh lint wedge right up the corn hole.
by BillyDeath April 20, 2010
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