George Bush's countermeasures for weapons of mass destruction. Never released to the public.
See also: Weapons of Weight Destruction
Trying to destroy Catholic worship, eh? We need to build bigger bombs to destroy the other religion!
by The Overmind July 7, 2004
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(1) Belief in Allah (God) and Mohammad (an old word referring to Jesus Christ), as expressed in the Qu'ran (a mistranslated, Syriac Christian book).
(2) Pray 5 times a day facing Mecca (an Arabic town where an imaginary pagan prophet lived).
(3) Giving of alms (Zakat, or 2.5% of income, which is 1/4 the customary alms required of other Christian sects).
(4) Fast during Ramadan (an imitation of the Lenten Christian holy month, Ramadan is related to the crescent moon)
(5) A trip to Mecca (ensures that Saudis make a lot of money and involves walking around an old Christian church now called the Kaaba)
The "Five Pillars of Islam" were invented by competing Arabic warlords in the process of creating their new religion from an older, Christian sect. In time, these groups would be known as "Sunni" and "Shia."
by Juanky A. June 4, 2014
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1. A fusion of islam and western culture.

2. Some nominal restrictions of Islam and lifestyle of west.
3. System that includes Individualism, materialism, wickedness, freelove, communism, democracy in a muslim populated state i.e. Turkey, Egypt, Bangladesh, Kuwait, U.A.E, Malayasia etc.
1. The idea of secular islam is conforming lifestyle for muslims in west.
2. Dodi fayed, Princess Diana's boyfriend was an advocate of secular islam
3. Most muslim states now submit to secular islam instead of mainstream islam.
by arkayana February 5, 2009
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An act of violence or violent intimidation carried out against an individual or group of individuals because of their Islamic faith. A hate crime.
The bomb threat phoned into the mosque by a man screaming disparaging remarks about the Prophet Mohammed was deemed an act of anti-Islamic terrorism by the authorities.
by maximo hudson August 31, 2010
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"Damn, he is disobeying KM Sayaan Islam"
"I love roleplaying as a furry"
by TheRealSayaan August 7, 2021
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pilgrimage to Mecca

the five bases of the Islamic faith: shahada (confession of faith), salat (prayer), zakat (almsgiving), sawm (fasting, especially during the month of Ramadan), and hajj (the pilgrimage to Mecca)
five pillars of Islam consist of 5 factors believed by muslims in order to become a better person.
by howudoinn March 29, 2018
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Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (translated as Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party in English), shortly known as PAS, is an Islamic political party in Malaysia. As of March 2023, it is so far the largest party in Malaysia, having the most seats in the Parliament. It is the governing party in the states of Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu.

Many socialists have been accusing this party as "Taliban", but this is just a propaganda of a totalitarian regime of Anwar Ibrahim and his Islamophobic supporters. There's no such evidences that this party is related to Taliban. This party supports Muslim rights and to uphold Islamic values.
Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) is the most popular political party in Malaysia. It is set to win the state elections in 2023.
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