A war that takes place on the internet that should not be taken seriously, for the whole joke. See Pewdiepie vs T Series
internet wars are a fun way of wasting time
by f uck ypu July 30, 2021
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When a normally cool, or at least tolerable person becomes a total douchebag over texts or on the Internet, and denies it.
"Jesus, did you see the group chat last night?"
"Yeah, Brittany was being a total Internet douche, that must of been pretty shitty for you."
by ThisIsAnAlias November 26, 2014
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pants that exist only in cyberspace.
Person 1: so I was having cybersex last night with hotchick69

Person 2: are you telling me you're so out of it that it means something to you that you got down hotchick69's internet pants? You know that online isn't real right?
by ConcepcionImmaculada September 19, 2010
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When u talk shit on the internet but don’t wanna link and fight internet beefer right there
by Internet beefer June 19, 2020
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A phenomenon that occurs when two people meet online on an international web page and starts conversing in their own language.

Like when you read (for example) a comment written in your native language, and you reply in your native language.
Believe it or not, I met him through Internet Patriotism!
by Rekna June 29, 2011
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When you can't find the content your looking for on the internet and/or your freedom of thought is disrespected
by Monty.... November 16, 2021
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