A play on “guns don’t kill people, people kill people”, but in response to the growing number of school shootings being blamed on first- and third-person shooters.
Coined by the Act Man, “guns don’t kill people, lag does”, shows the irony of the situation we’re in, Luddites meeting up and talking about Grand Theft Auto.
by MaybeARealWord January 12, 2022
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A variation on the "Upper Deck" , a Top Kill is the act of securing the water supply to the toilet tank & flushing all the water out until the tank is dry. You then manually lift the "flapper" exposing the hole which leads to the bowl. You then force a large quantity of Butt - Mud into the hole at extremely high pressure therefore sealing the tube permanently.
I was trying to sleep in Todd's parents room, but their god-damn toilet kept running. I finally had to give it a Top Kill or I would never have gotten any rest at all.
by MadMark August 8, 2010
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When an individual has chewed the" fat" too much to be "put down" with false narrative even though going the extra mile to help such to be grifted short.
Marlene declared; "You killed roxy." after getting money from the less fortunate whom she associated with to put down her dog after flimflam and false narrative.
by Mister. Mr. July 13, 2021
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Someone is bored and tried to look for useless definitions for fun
I got killed by searching a phrase "I got killed by searching a phrase' I got killed by searching a phrase. '"

Inf death loop :V sup diavolo
by BoredPersonII December 8, 2021
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When you watch a movie only to find out that it was all just set up for the second movie in the series. Like how Kill Bill 1 was all just introduction for Kill Bill 2.
Person A: Hey have you seen Spider-Man Across the Spiderverse?
Person B: Yeah, I can’t believe it kill billed us though. The entire movie was just an introduction to spiderverse 3! Nothing was resolved, and all it did was introduce us to the characters and premise of the next movie.
by snertpb June 18, 2023
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