A type of surprise attack in which you take a keyboard, and smash it over the target's head. It's an effective way to cause a lot of pain to the receiver.
Person 1: Did you here that Chad got a Welsh Concussion?
Person 2: Yeah, I did. He had it coming, he was a massive douchebag.
by A Quantum Entangled Cucumber September 2, 2017
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Some clingy ass mofo that is far too sensitive
Dom: shut up jack
Jack: stop being mean or I'm going off
Adam: stop being a sam welsh
by November 22, 2021
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When one sticks his penis into a Welsh woman anus then sticks it up a sheeps nostril then let the sheep shit on your penis and get Tom Jones to lick it
by Welsh cheese March 24, 2015
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“Did you have a good weekend?”

“It was okay, but I got enrolled into the Welsh Bobsleigh Team”

“What do you mean?”

“I had a bath with my grandad
by GButs January 7, 2023
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The best primary in the world, if you’d want your child to excel in life, bring them to this school!
Yooo! your kid goes Welsh House Farm? They’re going to be smart as hell!”
by TheGold5NChilD October 10, 2021
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Violently shitting your pants in a public/tight quartered space with no regard for other’s right to breath.
Pretty sure Connor just dropped a Welsh… Holy shit my eyes are burning.
by bendover1969 November 19, 2022
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Good friend, ok at basketball, is very tall but has no athletic ability. Has a smoking hot girlfriend despite being an ugly bastard. Lanky as FUCK
hey man did you see daniel welsh. What a cunt.
by Biganimetiddies November 11, 2019
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