The result of excessive drinking and debautchalism, a brown snake peek-a-boo is that poop that everyone periodically has (even girls that think they're "hot") that refuses to play nice. Instead, it comes out part way, then retreats, then comes out part way, then retreats...and so on and so forth. Fags (i.e. Jonesy) love the brown snake peek-a-boo.
Mike: Jonesy - your mom is hot.
Jonesy: I just had the best brown snake peek-a-boo!
by MRM5593 September 14, 2006
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A game that is best played while mildly constipated. To play, you must bend over in front of a person's face. With your anus muscles, push out just enough to reveal the end of a turd. The person behind you must say "peek a boo!" and push the turd back in with either their tongue or finger. Afterwards, it's their turn. The first person to either fart or accidentally drop the turd out of their anus, loses. If you quit due to anal pain, you also lose.
After we had a fulfilling meal, my wife and I decided to play Turdle Peek-a-Boo in the shower. I lost when I accidentally blew my wind on her face.
by DownFromTheSky27 October 15, 2014
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Madden Youtuber MMG’s signature play.Its where you have two RBs on the field and motion one to a side of choice.If the pass to the motioned RB isn’t open, you can hand it off to the other RB.
Barry:how did he get that touchdown to win in Madden?Cory:he ran rpo peek zone bubble.
by CheekClapperP5R March 14, 2021
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my awesome friend kelly got this name when braz's lil daughter named her it
Kelly "peek-a-boo head" kicks ass
by itsnotmeitsyou April 5, 2004
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Whilst someone slumbers, you clevery sneak up on them and lay a deuce(taking a shit) on their face. Then either get the f*ck out of there, or pretend you dont know how it happened when they wake up.
"Hey man, Charlie fell asleep early. Lets go play brown-eye peek-a-boo."
by Jack Me. Hoff. June 27, 2009
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the other extremely mature adult on skype who is covering their face
3 am
trouble: whore!
whore: hey (covers face)
trouble:(takes of shirt)
whore: ( peeks at trouble fantastic boobs)
trouble: (spys whore peeking)
whore in this case is the boo part of peek-a-boo
by troublewhore June 28, 2011
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When you have to shit really bad and you feel it sliding out of your butthole and you keep having to suck it back in
Dude, I have a huge brown snake playing peek a boo right now!!
by dukeofthecamelsx May 11, 2015
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