More than winning, the Joe Gagnon MVP Award is the most coveted by all competitors when competing in the Eye-Patch Olympics. It may be the most coveted award of all awards. The winner of this award is the person who left everything on the field, including their clothes and anything else they brought. It takes heart, perseverance and hair, lots of hair, to win this award.
While competing in the Eye-Patch Olympics Ryan won the Joe Gagnon MVP award because he competed with vigor and heart.
by Zacharichy April 17, 2020
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1.Prize for those who achieve the pinnacle of Dickbag status.
2.A Dick Bagwhich has been previously been guilded in award winning fashion.
1.That fucker tripped me harder than I have ever been tripped before! He deserves a Golden Dickbag Award!
2.Look at that Dick Bag! Give that guy a Golden Dick Bag Award.
by Demetrius D. August 3, 2006
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An award given to a person who has bribed the coach in some way, most likely through sexual favors. If multiple athletes attempt to do so, it will go to the athlete who is able to better please their coach.
Q-Hey how did Justin get coach's award he can't even make a basket?!
A- coach's husband just left so I think we all know how Justin got it!
by Hungryhungryhippo July 2, 2013
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slapping a girls ass with bacon while having doggy style sex
one time i gave her a kevin bacon special award
by mutterbuttersutter November 13, 2010
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The panel of judges that attach a monetary reward to insane stunts performed by reckless vehicleists. Points are rewarded for:

height, length, helicopters taken down, hoes annihilated, hoes impregnated, pimps flattened, homages to Scarface made, police evaded, FBI humiliated, single file rows of, "Gouranga," shouting Hare Krishnas ploughed down, cars exploded, tanks exploded, rescue services exploded and pedestrians splattered.

The committee is currently comprised of Pope Ratzenberger, Kermit the Frog, Tinky Winky, Jerry Bruckheimer and Ringo Starr
"I came off my motorbike the other day and totally splodged a load of old ladies and the Insane Stunt Bonus Award Committee gave me £300!"

"Nice. I only got £30 last week when I accidentally reversed over that penguin."

"You probably wouldn't have got anything if it hadn't have been so endangered."

"Flightless birds are dumb."
by H.S. Willsy August 23, 2011
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The Sandy Vag Trophy is given to your buddy/buddies who are acting like little bitches. They are the ones who refuse to drink as much as you or come up with excuses not to drink or have a good time with you and the rest of your pals. Tell them to get the sand out of their pussies and give them the S.V.T.!!!
Dude, you definitely get the S.V.T. Award or Sandy Vagina Trophy (more commonly referred to the SVT) for last night! you barely drank any and you passed out 5 hours before everybody else, you little bitch! Next time power wash the sand from your vag and be a man!
by Eazy-E 47 XLVII February 8, 2010
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A fictional award facetiously given to people who exercise poor trigger discipline.
Person 1: "Did you see that? Thomas just aimed a rifle into a crowd of 20 people while holding the trigger!"
Person 2: "He ought to be nominated for the Alec Baldwin Award For Excellence In Gun Safety."
by your real nаme November 16, 2021
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