Principles in which to live your life like a Nordic badass.
Looking both ways before crossing the street go against my Viking principles. Especially when there is village to rape and pillage on the other side.
by Nordic Beasty February 4, 2018
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When you and your husband have an open relationship so you invite over an eminence principle.
Man we're both bottoms we need an eminence principle
by Urban slang June 10, 2017
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The principle in which institutions, or any organization, will try to preserve the problem to which they are supposed to be the solution.

(In reference to Author Clay Shirky (born 1964), an American writer, consultant and teacher on the social and economic effects of Internet technologies and journalism.)
The IRS is a Shirky Principle organization. It will never attempt to totally get rid of tax evasion, even if it could, because the IRS needs to be maintained for reasons to find tax evasion.
by MarvinParanoAndroid February 21, 2019
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The Diaper Principle is like a “poo-tastic” metaphor for how some workplaces handle mistakes. 🩴💩 It’s when management, in response to one person’s blunder, makes everyone wear a metaphorical diaper to prevent future mishaps. In other words, instead of dealing with the real issue, they make everyone suffer the consequences of one person’s mess!
Guess what? Karen spilled coffee on her keyboard, and now we all have to attend a ‘how not to spill coffee’ workshop!”
Employee 2: “OMG, that’s the Diaper Principle in full swing! Can’t believe they’re diapering us for Karen’s coffee catastrophe!
by July 22, 2023
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The political principle where whether you go far left or far right, if you go too far in either direction, like Pac-Man, you will end up on the other side which is always a dictatorship.
Hitler was a socialist but moved so far left on government control that, because of the Pac-Man Principle, he came out on the right as a fascist and wound up ultimately as a dictator.
by AmadeuS469 July 3, 2018
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This principle/ law states that “nothing can be proven as false or nonexistent

Another way to phrase this is “there is always a chance for anything to happen”
Does god exist?

Well The Bevens Principle states that we can’t prove God doesn’t exist. No matter what test we do, they’re is always a nonzero chance that there is one. Same goes for just about anything else.
by Haydarken January 11, 2020
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Take my word for it. You've never met me before, but trust me. The "Exoti Principle" is something you should know.
by m0nk3yn1nj4 October 7, 2016
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