An incredible dude who loves life, and is a damn good friend. He's gone through a couple interesting transformations, and he enjoys discovering really funny pictures. Overall a quality dude.
"I saw Danny at Steak N Shake."
"So did I. He's a pretty awesome dude."
by drbigglebum May 3, 2018
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Danny is usually the funny one around. If you know a Danny you are so very lucky because they are one of the most caring people in the world. They work hard and never stop believing in their selves or others. The love unconditionally and care for you no matter how big or small.
Person 1- hey did you see Danny today

Person 2- I did! I heard he saved an animals life yesterday.
by .4567. January 23, 2019
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AMAZING. The most amazing guy you'll meet. You'll love us as mans's and we have massive cocks. Our cocks are so big that when you are half way down and it's in your mouth, you are already gagging. We are caring, cool and fun to tal to (not to mention funny). We often come across as strong, different, but once you get to know us, you will see how kind and caring we are. We will make sure your wine glass is never more than half full and that you are happy.
Danny is an amazing guy...
by The sexy man called dan August 16, 2019
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A complete fucking idiot that looks like he rapes stuffed animal monkeys and eats shit
That boy is a Danny what a faggot
by Danny osman boi March 6, 2018
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Ladies call him daddy. Danny is usually tall and has a big dick. Some would compare it to a febreeze can
Wow, he has a danny!
by Ladylongclit February 27, 2019
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He has the biggest dick in the world and eats hella pussy and gets all the hoes
Have you met danny
by Danny_firpo22 October 17, 2019
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A fuckboy, who acts black and has a bunch of basketball shoes that are to big for him. He walks and acts like he is the shit. He also thinks that everyone likes him and thinks he's the hottest person ever.
Girl 1 there's a guy whose a complete fuckboy and he always thinks he's the shit
Girl 2 I bet his name is danny
by Lyonz54 June 19, 2015
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